Healing School is an average sized school set in a rural location on the outskirts of Grimsby, providing secondary education to 11 to 16 year olds. It is recognised as one of the top one hundred top performing, non selective schools in the country and has recently been rated as 'outstanding' in its latest Ofsted inspection. Over recent years the School has expanded in size and has circa 840 pupils enrolled annually.
The Schools is spread across a large campus, which comprises of various separate buildings over a number of floors. The infrastructure has been built up over the years and consists of various sized network cabinets, which are linked to the main network cabinet or other network cabinets using fibre optic cables. The fibre cables are predominantly OM1 and OM2. Category 5e cables emanate from the wall cabinets to outlet locations throughout the school.
In recent years the School has undergone significant expansion and modernisation program. This, coupled with developments in technology changing the way lessons are delivered has significantly increased the demand for network connectivity throughout the School. With the constant increasing demand in mind Anthony Short, the Schools Network and Development Manager, called in Safecontrol who have provided services to the school for the past 15 years, to discuss a proposal to upgrade the cabling infrastructure to cope with both current and future demands.